Jonathan Willenborg is a senior at St. Anthony High School. He is a member of the varsity golf and ... Learn More
Jonathan Willenborg
About Me
Jonathan Willenborg is a senior at St. Anthony High School. He is a member of the varsity golf and basketball teams. Jonathan is involved in many extracurriculars including National Honors Society, Pep Club, and is the Senior Class President. In his free time, Jonathan enjoys playing golf with friends, watching movies, and competing in fantasy football. Jonathan plans on going to the University of Illinois and being a busniness major. "I am excited to begin my personal business and grow my network this year."
About My Business
Bob's Bags provides its customers with high-quality toiletry bags. Along with a myriad of different pockets and sleeves, each bag boasts a hanger to keep counter space organized and decluttered. These bags also have a monogram option allowing customers to add a personal touch. If you are interested in purchasing a bag, please contact me directly at, through Instagram @bobsbags_ceo, or Facebook at Bob's Bags.
Jonathan Willenborg's DISC Profile
Decisive | Preference for problem solving and getting results
Interactive | Preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
Stability | Preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
Cautious | Preference for procedures, standards and protocols