
This is NOT your traditional classroom experience. Learn entrepreneurial education first hand from local businesses and leaders in our area.

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There’s no other class like CEO. Here, you’re not just learning about business, you’re living it every day.

Applying to Effingham County CEO has never been easier.

Complete the Request More Information form to be notified when the application opens.

6 reasons


Why you should choose

Effingham County CEO

Ignite your inner entrepreneurial spirit.

Effingham County CEO creates entrepreneurial opportunities that inspire your inner entrepreneur.

Speed Performance

Work on a teamThe Class Business

Every CEO program kicks off with a class business, where each team collaborates to develop a business idea, create a business plan, secure funding, and manage all aspects of the business - from marketing to project and money management.

Solid and tested base

Explore Local IndustriesBusiness Visits

Along the way, you’ll visit 40+ local businesses and learn directly from the entrepreneurs who made them possible. See the inner workings of different industries - from day-to-day operations to the decisions that drive growth and innovation.

Top designs created by usability specialists

Learn from Experts Guest Speakers

Hear from 40+ experts in your community who will share their experience and advice on important business topics. You’ll learn how to speak like a professional, build a brand, manage your time and so much more!

The best customer experience

Start Your Own BusinessIndividual Business

In the second half of the year, you’ll focus on building your own business. This includes everything from coming up with a business idea to writing a plan and creating your product. You’ll also fine-tune your business pitch. At the end of the year, you’ll showcase your business at a trade show, where the community can see all your hard work come to life.

Works perfectly with Porto Admin Template

Build your networkMentors

As you build your business, you’ll be matched with a mentor - a local business professional who will guide you through the process. Your mentor will help you refine your business plan, identify start-up capital, and offer advice on marketing and financials.

Always keep template updates

Present your businessTrade Show

Towards the end of the school year students will exhibit at CEO trade show to present their business to the public.