Rachel Higgs attends Dieterich High School and is co-captain of the school dance team. She is ... Learn More

Rachel Higgs
About Me
Rachel Higgs attends Dieterich High School and is co-captain of the school dance team. She is a senior leader of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a member of the National Honors Society and the WYSE team. Outside of school, Rachel competes on the American Paint Horse Association circuit nationally. She has won numerous award with her horse, including finalist at the 2016 American Paint Horse Junior World Championships. In her free time, she likes to play with her corgi and go to concerts with her friends. Next year, Rachel plans on attending Washington University in St. Louis to major in psychology and biology on a pre-med track. “I cannot wait to use the tools and experience that I gain from CEO in the real world. I hope to be able to grow personally and learn from every experience.”
About My Business
SOS 4:7 lip balms, founded by Rachel Higgs, strives to provide an all natural option for lip balms. Each lip balm is made with all natural, organic ingredients. The two scents, sweet orange vanilla and vanilla peppermint, are made with essential oils. They are homemade with a special recipe. SOS 4:7 lip balms aid in restoring moisture to the lips and keeping them soft and supple. In a pinch, these lip balms can also be used as cuticle moisturizers. For more information about the SOS 4:7 lip balms or information about purchasing, email higgsrachel1@gmail.com. Also, check out SOS 4:7 lip balms on Instagram and Facebook.