As a student of Altamont High School, Grant Schmidt is a partaker of multiple activities. He ... Learn More

Grant Schmidt
About Me
As a student of Altamont High School, Grant Schmidt is a partaker of multiple activities. He is a reporter for National Honor Society, member of the local 4-H club, and plays in scholastic bowl, baseball, and golf. Other than playing sports, taking time with school activities, or being involved with his community, Grant is an avid hunter and fisherman. Being outdoors and enjoying the wilderness is one of his great passions. He also loves to travel and see other parts of the world. He has been to countries such as Kenya, Ireland, United Kingdom, and the Bahamas. When not doing one of his interests, Grant works part-time at the Effingham County Fairgrounds. Using his CEO experiences, he hopes to obtain a nursing degree later on in college. “CEO will truly teach me a new business point of view. I hope it will change me as a student, and overall as a person. I know it is going to show me things I never knew and why all aspects taught are going to be beneficial. No class at school can or will teach things which I will obtain, or hear, this year.”
About My Business
Low Land Custom Baits is a fishing lure business owned through the partnership ofHayden VoelkerandGrant Schmidt. Low Land offers quality baits at a quality price for their consumers. They have multiple starting lure designs and colors to choose from but also personalize fishing lures to specific customers if requested. Every lure is hand painted to give people what they really want. Any questions or information you’re wondering about? Email Low Land at or find them on instagram @lowlandcb. Grant Schmidt wants to continue his education further at either the University of Kansas or University of Illinois, majoring in nursing.