
Trey Koester attends St. Anthony High School. Heis a member of Catholic Athletes for ... Learn More

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Class of 2017

Trey Koester

About Me

Trey Koester attends St. Anthony High School. Heis a member of Catholic Athletes for Christ, History Club, plays varisty golf, and is currently working partime at RMC Cinemas in the Village Square Mall. To contribute to his community, he takes part in the Effingham Police Explorers. In his free time, he enjoyes hanging with friends and playing golf. "From the very first CEO Experience I attended, I loved the program and how it transforms people into a brand new person. I feel honored to have been chosen to take part in the class. I hope to meet many new people and learn more about the businesses in my community. I also look forward to learning many life skills from this program that I hope to take with me to college and beyond."

About My Business

Trey Koester has started the business TK Golf Designs. TK Golf Designs is currently specializing in custom golf gloves. Our design work and production is completed in Queen Anne, Maryland. Whether it's school, Charity event golf outing, or corporate event, we can provide a quality golf glove at a reasonable price. The product can also act as a great conversation piece to help market a brand or company. If interested in TK Golf Designs, feel free to contact Trey Koester by email at or via Facebook at Trey feels that CEO has expanded his comfort zone and has taught him many life lessons that he plans to take with him to college. Trey plans on attending Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville.