Logan Deadmond is a senior at Altamont High School. Throughout his four years he has been ... Learn More
Logan Deadmond
About Me
Logan Deadmond is a senior at Altamont High School. Throughout his four years he has been active in various clubs, sports, and other organizations such as National Honor Society, FFA, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Logan has also kept a full schedule with golf, basketball, and track each year. When it comes to work, Logan has been employed in an array of fields, from state-wide political work to baseball-field maintenance. Logan has also applied himself doing landscaping in Vandalia, electrical work around Effingham County, working at Tropical Sno in Altamont, and umpiring Little League games. Wearing many hats has taught Logan a multitude of skills and has given him the opportunity to learn to be personable with a diverse public. Logan is grateful he’ll be exposed to a wealth of knowledge throughout the CEO program, and he is looking forward to developing his business acumen, his social finesse, and to stretching his mental capabilities. “The CEO program gives me a perspective on certain concepts that I may or may not have previously looked at in the same light. CEO brings things to the table that I may or may not be comfortable with, or even familiar with at the time, and helps me learn how to handle myself in a way that I can get the most out of each new experience. I look forward to absorbing this new knowledge and using it to the best of my abilities. I fully believe that CEO will help me to be more successful in most aspects of my life, and I am very thankful to be a part of this program.”
About My Business
Logan Deadmond has spent several months creating LionVoting. LionVoting wants public officials to compare their ideas, goals, plans, etc. with those of constituents in an unbiased, fact-based format. LionVoting provides user-friendly ways to find specific information about public officials in simple platforms with brochures, a data-tracking website, and public-speaking engagements. “I’ve seen a big push lately with new, especially younger voters, getting involved in the political process, and I want to provide easy, accurate information for them. The CEO program has given me countless networking contacts that make all this possible.” Logan can be contacted at logandeadmond12@gmail.com for questions, comments, or new ideas.