Megan Brandt attends Effingham High School as a senior. She is in pep club, Spanish club ... Learn More

Megan Brandt
About Me
Megan Brandt attends Effingham High School as a senior. She is in pep club, Spanish club, math club, and runs track at EHS. Her work experiences have been babysitting, lawn mowing, online sales, and Megan is currently employed at Effingham Martin IGA Plus. Outside school, she is involved in her church youth group, Love to Serve, Operation Christmas Child, missionary trips to Costa Rica, and Fishing For Kids. "I want to get an inside look at local businesses. I plan on attending SIU Edwardsville for a business degree, and when I graduate, I want to manage my parents’ business, Pyramid Marble and Granite. I think this class has endless opportunities. It could open new doors for my career and life. I am blessed to reside in a town where the CEO teachers and business owners are willing to invest their time, money, and knowledge into this program. I know CEO will helpprepare me for my future."
About My Business
Megan Brandt is the owner and operator of her business, Luminous Lights. Megan has developed an Eternal light for gravestones. This light has the same concept of a solar powered light but with a maintenance-free solution. They glow up to 12 hours after being exposed to sunlight for a day. Existing solar powered lights on the market are low quality and not permanent. Like monuments, people want quality especially when visiting a loved ones memorial sites. Luminous Lights promises to have top value and quality in the eternal flame industry. Being enrolled in CEO has helped guide Megan to confirm her passion for business and product development. In the fall Megan will attend Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to major in business and minor in marketing. She also plans to keep her summers fulfilling by going on mission trips to Costa Rica. Whatever the future holds Megan knows that God will reveal His perfect plan and be her guide through every step of her life.